Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Reunion Class Picnic-Reunion Pics Part V of V

The picnic ended our reunion weekend. We know a lot of you had to travel back home and hate that you had to miss the picnic. We have received pictures from some of you who attended and will post them shortly. If you have not done so, please send in any photos you may have taken. We want to make sure we have captured the entire night.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Proud to have been in the Class of '87!

Brad could not be with us this weekend but he sent in an update at the end of last week. This is what he had to say:

I hate that I won't be able to make it. You guys have done an outstanding job with everything. Thanks for all the updates. Just in cases anyone is still posting these updates............It's been an incredible 20 years. I ended up meeting my wife Denise while playing baseball in Cape Cod, MA. We started off in a fairly tough situation, but have been blessed every day since. I learned that even though you may make mistakes in life, God can and will bless you if you seek Him. I was drafted by the Yankees after my Junior year and the Rangers after my Senior year at the University of New Orleans. I played one year in the Rangers' minor league organization and hung up the spikes. We now have 4 awesome children. My oldest is going to be senior in High School next year. My next 2 are beautiful girls ages 14 and 13. The caboose is a 10 year old boy. We all have enjoyed playing anything with a ball. Denise and I have enjoyed watching them grow up. We live in Alabama where I am a District Manager for a company called Nalco, so I get to meet new people every day which is something I enjoy. I am blessed to have Denise as my wife.......she may not reciprocate that thought.......then again she is a Yankee, so it doesn't matter.

I must say I agree with many others that have said we will always remember the great times we had at Slidell. I am proud to have been in our class of 87' and believe it was a special one at that. We have lost some great classmates over the years which is really unfortunate, but we should learn from those events. I wish you all well.